Halloween Trick or Treating Candy
In case you haven’t heard, Halloween is in two days. For us, that means we will have our first year of handing out candy to trick or treaters. Our old neighborhood was kind of sketchy and no one ever came to our door even though we had the light on.
This year, we aren’t quite sure what to expect but we’re bound to have at least a few neighborhood kids stop by. Shae is super excited because she grew up in the country and has never experienced the joys (or annoyance) of kids, tweens, and teenagers stopping by in cute, pop culture, questionable costumes (it seems to correlate to the ages pretty well). Anyway, back to the point, we needed to stock up on some candy!
I noticed at my home away from home, Menards, that they were running their 11% rebate sale. Menards also had big mixed bags of candy on sale. While I looked at parts for a plumbing project Shae did some price comparison and found a 250 count bag of mixed chocolate (103 oz) for $17. Apply the 11% rebate and you end up with about 14.5¢/oz for snickers, peanut butter snickers, 3 musketeers, starburst, and skittles.
Now, I know what my parents are thinking. I broke the Golden Rule of candy buying. Never spend more than 10¢/oz. Well Parental Units, in the interest of not getting between a pregnant woman and chocolate, as well as not getting our house egged for not handing out candy, I bit the bullet and spent the extra ¢4.5/oz.
The truly fantastic part for you ultra frugal, candy loving, Menards shoppers is that the rebate goes to Nov 2. That’s right, on November 1st you can do battle with other DIYers over the leftover discounted Halloween candy. I would suggest arming yourself at the lawn and garden section before heading over.
How many trick or treaters are you expecting? What kind of treats do you hand out? Let me know in the comments down below.