Costa Rica Planning

I’ve been spending my free time planning out our late Spring trip to Costa Rica.  The trip represents a lot of things to us, including:

  • Celebrating our 5th anniversary
  • Taking Auntie for one last hurrah before med school residency starts
  • Continuing our geographic arbitrage search
  • Celebrating my birthday and living up the last of the *careless* 20s
  • Enjoying our travel mobility

Having a good map is really helpful for planning purposes.  The best reviewed map on Amazon is the Costa Rica Guide waterproof map.  It doesn’t hurt that you can get the map for free by doing some advertising for them (see above link).  I’ll admit, it’s why I am doing this blog post.


Saving $12 on a map might seem insignificant but it does add up.  Last night while we were on our family walk, Shae and I did a mental addition of the current trip costs and credits (from card churning).  With airfare for 4 people, a seven day rental 4×4 suv, and 4 of the 8 nights booked we have an out of pocket expense of around $100 so far.  I figure the last four nights of lodging, food, souvenirs, and misc. expenses will push our total out of pocket expense to somewhere in the ballpark of $750-$1000 for Shae, Frugal Boy, and myself combined.  I’m tempted to do one more credit card churn to knock off another $460 dollars from the total, but I don’t think we’ll be able to meet the min spend requirements.  A better option might be to churn a couple of bank accounts instead (see here for a list).

Costa Rica Expenses:Credits