Do you keep a change jar? I am about to take ours in to the bank and have them sort/count it (for free of course). How much change fits into a 1 gallon paint bucket? Shae thinks 51.69. I am optimistic and think 73.29. What do you think?
After taking it to the bank and having it counted the total amount for a full gallon bucket of change was <drum roll…………..> $375.19! I had been reading online about how some people fill up the 5 gallon water jugs and take those in. They usually get somewhere between $1-2k. What I really want to know, is how do they lift the jugs up?
Our banks won’t do that.
PNC lets members use the coin counting machines for free. Not every branch has a machine though.
I’m guessing $61.20.
If you find a Texas, Maine, or Pennsylvania quarter, we’ll trade you 25 cents for it. 🙂