What is more frugal than free? I use a lot of free websites everyday. Some are incredibly useful and others are diversions that help me procrastinate/unwind after a long day. Reddit (pronounced “Read It”) definitely falls into the latter category.
If you are unfamiliar with Reddit, suffice it to say that it is a huge online forum that has communities organized around topics. One of those topics is personal finance and even though I am a lurker (someone who never posts comments or questions) I still enjoy browsing the topics.
The anonymous nature of the website is likely a key reason why individuals are willing to share details about their financial lives. Since personal finances are often regarded as a taboo subject (when was the last time you told someone how much you make at your job?), it is refreshing to visit a place where money is treated more objectively.
Check out the subreddit personal finance over here: http://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance Please note, I’m not responsible for how many wasted hours might occur from clicking on that link.