Frugal Boy had his three year checkup today.  39 was the number of the day.  He measured in at 39″ tall (88th percentile) and 39 pounds (97th percentile).  I guess those fruits, veggies, and pb&j’s have really been adding up.  😉

I got my bit of enjoyment at the end of the checkup.  The doctor asked if we wanted to give him a flu shot.  I was under orders from the boss to oblige, for new baby’s sake.  I explained to Frugal Boy what was going to happen and let him pick the receiving arm.  He got the shot without crying but had that hurt look.  Then I prompted him to thank the nurse for the ‘medicine’.  Haha, I love the looks on the nurses faces when they get thank you’s.  It makes my day.

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