Depending on who you ask, the number of haircuts that a person gets in any given year can vary from none to once every two weeks (24/year). We average about 4 haircuts a year and when we pay for a haircut the total bill averages out to around $12. Growing up, my mom would cut my brothers and my hair. In college, I would wait until I went home to have my hair cut to save a few bucks. My folks probably saved around $200 a year by cutting hair themselves.
Shae and I cut each others hair on occasion. With Frugal Boy underfoot, it can be difficult to leave the house for an hour, especially when most of our free time is at night. The other night Shae asked me to cut her hair because it was getting long and resembled string to this playful kitten.
You’ll need some equipment to properly cut hair. A pair of sharp scissors designed for hair cutting. Don’t use them for anything else, you want them nice and sharp for cutting hair! A comb and clips are helpful for longer hair. Good lighting and a smooth floor make an ideal place to set up shop. I set down a chair in our kitchen so Shae could watch the aquarium while I worked (yes she trusts me with scissors).
A towel wrapped around your victim, err client, will make cleanup easier. If you are intimidated by the thought of it, do what I do and watch some youtube videos. The biggest challenge is just having the confidence to do it and know that hair grows back and it isn’t the end of the world if you make a mistake. It takes me a bit longer than a professional, but we save a little bit of money, have some time together, and can do it all from the comfort of our own home (within earshot of a sleeping baby).
Great hair cut! I just had my hair cut today by a friend.