Another year and another year of school birthday treats, holiday parties, and misc other celebrations. Every parent wants to be fun and bring something sweet but it starts to really add up when there are 10-30 kids in a class. Cookies, cakes, donuts, candies, brownies, and more just keep showing up week after week and it is the kids that unknowingly suffer. They fill up on the empty calories and then crash hard later on. Then there is the palate that is being developed and reinforced by this kind of environment. A palate that will stick with an individual for a potential lifetime. Can we spell obesity epidemic?
Alright, so now that I have firmly established myself as the party pooper, what are the alternatives?
This year I decided to make rainbow fruit cups for Frugal Boy’s class treat. They are healthy, simple, and attractive!
Pick up a variety of different colored fruits. I used strawberry (red), mandarins (orange), pineapple (yellow), grapes (green), and blueberries (blue).
If you have a little helper, they can pick the stems off the grapes and peel mandarins while you cut the pineapple and strawberries. I used small clear plastic cups as the containers. You could use bigger cups for adult celebrations such as bridal parties and the like.
Love it! Full approval! 🙂