Another Easter has come and gone. The only remaining evidence of it, is the decapitated lamb’s head on our countertop.
It was a busy weekend with three Easter egg hunts, a visit with the Easter bunny, a big party, a museum visit, and lots of stuff in-between.
The mom holding the girl in pink got sneezed on by the horse. Did you know how much snot a horse can produce. Now she does. Ewwwwww
Here Frugal Boy, mom, and grandparents check out the haul from a second egg hunt.
After the second egg hunt we looked at dinosaurs.
and then snakes!
That night we did some arts and crafts with aunties.
The next morning was the last egg hunt for the year. He sure did get a lot of practice in this year.
Then it was time to help grandma with the party.
Back to the grind!