Frugal Girl had her two month checkup and got a mostly clean bill of health. She has been growing well with weight at 12lbs 10oz (81%), 23 1/4″ tall (83%), and a head circumference of 15 1/2 (83%).
I am still amazed at how different she is from her brother. For example, she is content to lay down by herself, something that her brother never tolerated. It will be fun to watch her grow up and see what kind of personality she develops.
Shae spent the best $10 ever when she bought a corded baby swing at a garage sale. The low setting makes me nauseous to watch but Frugal Girl seems to like it.
In other news, our diapering expenses have been cut in half. We initially invested $500 for cloth diapers when Frugal Boy was born. You can read more about our decision to use cloth and why we love them here. Now that Frugal Girl is wearing those same diapers, the cost per kid has gone down to $250. Even after two and half years of use, the diapers are still in really good shape. I think we’ll be able to get another two years out of them quite easily.
She’s darling! – Gretchen